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  • For the investor
  • 12 Non-current assets (1 000 €)
    Intangible assets Tangible assets
    Group 2014 Intagible righs Goodwill Goodwill on consolidation Total Land and water areas Buildings and structures Machinery and equipment Other tangible assets Advanced payments and construction in progress Total Assets, total
    Aquisition cost 1.1. 134,087 362 22,199 156,648 49,294 338,056 1,714,434 16,115 109,831 2,227,730 2,384,378
    Translation difference -6 0 0 -6 0 -26 -1,762 -74 0 -1,862 -1,868
    Inreases 660 0 0 660 0 1 6,575 15 116,284 122,875 123,535
    Decreases -596 0 0 -596 -3,386 -3,083 -17,965 -38 -752 -25,224 -25,819
    Reclassifications 24,273 0 0 24,273 1,959 73,221 50,399 849 -150,701 -24,273 0
    Aquisition costs 31.12. 158,417 362 22,199 180,978 47,868 408,169 1,751,681 16,866 74,662 2,299,247 2,480,225
    Accumulated depreciation 1.1. -42,887 -295 -20,335 -63,516 0 -159,757 -946,310 -9,238 0 -1,115,306 -1,178,822
    Translation difference 4 0 0 4 0 16 417 12 0 445 448
    Accumulated depreciations on decreases and reclassifications 594 0 -86 508 0 2,272 16,563 33 0 18,868 19,376
    Depreciation of the year -14,279 -32 -1,213 -15,524 0 -14,559 -87,323 -770 0 -102,651 -118,175
    Accumulated depreciation 31.12. -56,568 -327 -21,634 -78,529 0 -172,029 -1,016,653 -9,962 0 -1,198,644 -1,277,173
    Book value 31.12. 101,849 35 565 102,449 47,868 236,140 735,028 6,904 74,662 1,100,603 1,203,052
    Intangible assets Tangible assets
    Group 2013 Intangible assets Goodwill Goodwill on consolidation Total Land and water areas Buildings and structures Machinery and equipment Other tangible assets Advanced payments and construction in progress Total Assets, total
    Aquisition cost 1.1. 126,885 470 22,199 149,553 52,578 327,071 1,705,856 14,897 95,852 2,196,253 2,345,807
    Translation difference -1 0 0 -1 0 -8 -583 -4 0 -595 -596
    Purchased companies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 21 21
    Increases 1,966 67 4,093 6,126 1,279 3,634 5,273 1,028 147,563 158,777 164,903
    Sold companies -2,044 0 0 -2,044 0 0 -38,319 0 -1,028 -39,347 -41,391
    Decreases -37 -175 -4,093 -4,305 -5,262 -1,951 -8,963 -692 -63,192 -80,060 -84,365
    Reclassifications 7,319 0 0 7,319 700 9,310 51,170 865 -69,364 -7,319 0
    Aquisition cost 31.12. 134,087 362 22,199 156,648 49,294 338,056 1,714,434 16,115 109,831 2,227,730 2,384,378
    Accumulated depreciation 1.1. -30,987 -365 -19,035 -50,387 0 -148,911 -887,542 -8,415 0 -1,044,868 -1,095,255
    Translation difference 1 0 0 1 0 4 181 3 0 188 189
    Sold companies 1,001 -0 0 1,001 0 0 27,661 0 0 27,661 28,662
    Decreases and reclassifications -931 100 -86 -917 0 1,037 7,952 97 0 9,086 8,169
    Depreciations of the year -11,970 -30 -1,213 -13,213 0 -11,888 -89,992 -923 0 -102,803 -116,016
    Impaiment losses 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4,572 0 0 -4,572 -4,572
    Accumulated depreciation 31.12. -42,887 -295 -20,335 -63,516 0 -159,757 -946,310 -9,238 0 -1,115,306 -1,178,822
    Book value 31.12. 91,200 67 1,864 93,132 49,294 178,298 768,124 6,877 109,831 1,112,425 1,205,557
    Intagible assets Tangible assets
    Parent company 2014 Intagible assets Goodwill Total Land and water areas Buildings and structures Machinery and equipment Other tangible assets Advanced payments and construction in progress Total Assets, total
    Aquisition cost 1.1. 125,913 198 126,111 48,699 331,468 1,495,670 13,018 105,260 1,994,114 2,120,225
    Increases 523 0 523 0 0 152 0 109,527 109,679 110,202
    Decreases 0 0 0 -3,386 -3,083 -7,417 0 -752 -14,637 -14,637
    Reclassifications 21,739 0 21,739 1,959 71,398 46,896 849 -142,841 -21,739 0
    Aquisition cost 31.12. 148,175 198 148,373 47,273 399,783 1,535,301 13,866 71,194 2,067,417 2,215,790
    Accumulated depreciation 1.1. -35,122 -155 -35,277 0 -158,245 -768,336 -7,403 0 -933,984 -969,261
    Decreases and reclassifications 0 0 0 0 2,272 6,679 0 0 8,951 8,951
    Depreciations of the year -13,606 -27 -13,633 0 -14,366 -79,237 -699 0 -94,302 -107,935
    Accumulated depreciation 31.12. -48,728 -182 -48,910 0 -170,340 -840,894 -8,102 0 -1,019,336 -1,068,246
    Book value 31.112. 99,447 16 99,463 47,273 229,443 694,407 5,764 71,194 1,048,081 1,147,544
    Intangible assets Tangible assets
    Parent company 2013 Intangible assets Goodwill Total Land and water areas Buildings and structures Machinery and equipment Other tangible assets Advances payments and construction in progress Total Assets, total
    Aquisition cost 1.1. 119,219 131 119,350 51,998 320,478 1,454,751 12,275 85,701 1,925,204 2,044,554
    Increases 487 67 554 1,279 3,630 1,364 0 142,160 148,433 148,987
    Decreases 0 0 0 -5,262 -1,951 -2,911 0 -63,192 -73,315 -73,315
    Reclassifications 6,207 0 6,207 685 9,310 42,465 742 -59,409 -6,207 -0
    Aquisition cost 31.12. 125,913 198 126,111 48,699 331,468 1,495,670 13,018 105,260 1,994,114 2,120,225
    Accumulated depreciation 1.1. -23,856 -131 -23,986 0 -147,525 -688,951 -6,622 0 -843,098 -867,084
    Decreases and reclassifications 0 0 0 0 1,037 2,355 0 0 3,391 3,391
    Depreciations of the year -11,266 -25 -11,291 0 -11,757 -77,189 -781 0 -89,727 -101,018
    Impairment losses 0 0 0 0 0 -4,550 0 0 -4,550 -4,550
    Accumulated depreciation 31.12. -35,122 -155 -35,277 0 -158,245 -768,336 -7,403 0 -933,984 -969,261
    Book value 31.12. 90,791 43 90,834 48,699 173,223 727,334 5,614 105,260 1,060,131 1,150,964